Basic Safety Course

Familiarization and basic safety training and instruction for all seafarers (Basic Safety A-VI / 1)

People who are employed on a ship must receive an approved basic training in the following areas:

  • personal survival techniques :
    survival at sea if the ship must be left
  • fire prevention and fire fighting:
    reduction of fire risk to a minimum and maintain the ready state to respond to emergencies that occur in connection with fires, combating and extinguishing fires
  • basics of first aid:
    initiating immediate action after an accident or medical emergency
  • personal safety and social responsibilities:
    understanding measures to prevent pollution of the marine environment, labor protection, orders, contribute to the effective relationship between the people on board

Conditions apply:

  • The proof is valid indefinitely, but expires after 5 years if it was not used.
  • Prerequisite for the acquisition of basic safety training is a first aid certificate which is not older than 5 years and includes eight two-hour sessions
  • The acquisition of basic safety training is a prerequisite for service on a ship and the achievement of other qualifications such as the STCW 95 Certificates of Proficiency in survival craft and Advanced Fire Fighting


The following schools offer this course:

postalcode city training school phone
26789 Leer Gem. Gesellsch. Trainingszentrum Emsstrom mbH 0491-979 180
18551 Sagard AB Privatschule für Navigation und Schiffssicherheit 038302-38 35
27472 Cuxhaven M.S.T.I. Maritime Safety Training Institute Capt. R.M. Dietzler 04721-462 69
26931 Elsfleth Maritimes Kompetenzzentrum Elsfleth gGmbH (MariKom) 04404-989 540

for further educational institutions, please visit our services page: education and advanced training